9H with High Definition (HD) Flexible Glass Screen Protector
Your FLEXIBLE but INVINCIBLE protector
- FULL COVERAGE - Protect your phone display entirely using top grade ARMOR flexibility glass. 3D rounded full cover offers complete edge-to-edge protection.
- FLEXIBLE GLASS - Advanced materials with ultra-thin and bendable as plastic; high definition, anti-fingerprint & scratch resistant as glass, preserving your visual experiences.
- 9H HARDNESS - High scratch resistant attribute to the durable top-grade materials from Japan.
- SCRATCH RESISTANT - Quality material can withstand 1000 grams of weight wrapped by a steel wool, scrape back & forth 1000 times, without abraded.
- SHATTER-PROOF - With Japan qualified materials protect you from any shrapnel if things go sharp; minimal thickness allows exquisite sensitivity with 3D touch.
- HIGH DEFINITION - 92% transparency preserves screen clarity to allow optimal viewing experience.
- IMPRESSIVE THINESS - Super thin with 0.12mm thickness provides your full compatibility with 3D Touch.
- ANTI-FINGER PRINT - Outstanding anti-fingerprint coating keeps your phone screen crystal clean like a brand-new phone.
- TROUBLE-FREE INSTALLATION - Easy installation with the user-friendly align applicator.
- UPCYCLING PACKAGING - Transformable package can be turned into a mobile stand with 2 steps.
3D curved edge-to-edge protector offers completion protection for the screen.
Quality Japan material: bendable as plastics and durable like glass provide flexible and protection for your phone completely.
Durable top-grade materials from Japan. Impenetrable hardness by achieving the highest possible 9H on a scale of 1H to 9H.
Vigorously rubbed with steel wool at a pressure of 1000G which our screen protector excelled the scratch-resistance test.
92% or up transparency preserves screen clarity to allow optimal viewing experience.
Experimentally tested with water droplets as a simulation on the smoothness and grease-resistance of our screen protector.
Transformable package can be turned into a mobile stand with 2 steps.
Easy installation with the user-friendly align applicator.